Rogues Gallery Hardware
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Arm-based high-performance computing provides a new option for accelerating CPU-based applications using novel vectorization techniques and high-bandwidth memory.
Near-Memory Computing
Performing computation in or near-memory can provide substantial benefits for performance by reducing the amount of data movement that is required.
Neuromorphic Hardware
Brain-inspired computing can enable a low-powered mechanism to accelerate common machine learning and AI tasks within a small footprint.
Next-generation Networking
New research into in-network computing and 5G edge computing devices propose revolutionary approaches to managing data movement and reducing the amount of data that must be moved for current and future application use cases.
Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field of research that uses the superposition of quantum bits to perform useful computations.
Reconfigurable Platforms
Faster than a speeding array, with extreme flexibility to boot! New Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices with 3D stacked memories like High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) provide not only unprecedented bandwidth for accessing data but also the power of reconfiguration to adapt the hardware to any job, whether it be HPC, cyber-analysis, or graph analytics.
Tech-fee Hosted Equipment
The Rogues Gallery also hosts equipment that is funded via Georgia Tech’s program for funding student educational efforts, the TechFee program.